How to Achieve the Proper Procedure for Aligning Teeth?

Not many people are born with completely straight teeth, so some decide to straighten them. If your smile is crooked, it might affect how confident you feel and the first impression you make. If you're shy about smiling, you might miss chances to show your humor and personality. Fixing your teeth alignment can boost your confidence and be done without drawing too much attention.

Why Is it  Important to have Correct Teeth Alignment:

Many people view well-aligned teeth primarily as a cosmetic concern; however, there are crucial health reasons for ensuring your teeth are properly aligned.

Beyond enhancing your smile, aligned teeth decrease the likelihood of developing cavities. Misaligned teeth, also known as malocclusions, pose challenges for effective cleaning through brushing and flossing, leading to the accumulation of food, debris, and bacteria. Over time, this buildup can contribute to gum disease and tooth decay.

Misaligned teeth may also contribute to chronic gum infections, as food particles become trapped beneath or between the gums.

In cases of misalignment or overcrowding, areas that are hard to reach may not benefit from regular fluoride treatments, raising the risk of accelerated tooth decay.

Speech impediments and chewing difficulties can arise from misaligned teeth.

While minor misalignments can be addressed with veneers or crowns, most malocclusions require orthodontic interventions for correction.

Issues with Tooth Alignment:

  • Crowded teeth: Insufficient space in the jaw for comfortable tooth placement.
  • Gapped teeth: Gaps between teeth can lead to shifting or abnormal jaw growth.
  • Crossbite: Misalignment between the upper and lower jaws.
  • Overbite: Protrusion of upper teeth over the lower teeth.
  • Underbite: Protrusion of lower teeth beyond the upper teeth.
  • Open bite: Some teeth are unable to make contact with their opposing teeth.

Correcting Teeth Alignment Methods

Teeth alignment is usually addressed using two approaches: braces or aligners. In certain instances, modern braces might be a suitable choice considering your orthodontic requirements and financial considerations.

Alternatively, clear aligners offer a subtle and gentle means of aligning teeth, achieving results in a shorter timeframe compared to traditional braces.

Modern Braces

Modern braces target the alignment of the front 6-8 teeth, resulting in a quicker alignment process compared to full orthodontic braces. If your front teeth are crowded, slightly spaced, rotated, or protruding, modern braces can offer a straightforward solution for correcting your teeth alignment.

Typically, modern braces treatments can be finished within a short period of 4-6 months. They are a more economical option compared to aligners and prove to be an effective choice for addressing orthodontic relapses.

Transparent Aligners

Clear aligners provide an excellent alternative to traditional brackets and wires, resembling a mouthguard. They consist of a series of custom-molded trays specifically crafted for your mouth. Throughout your treatment, you'll wear these trays for 20-22 hours daily, removing them only for brushing, flossing, eating, and drinking anything other than water.

Each tray is worn for two weeks before being replaced with the next one. Gradually, these trays guide your teeth into alignment over a span of 12-18 months. Unlike braces, clear aligners are nearly invisible while being worn, making them a visually appealing choice.

Being removable, they allow you to maintain your regular diet, and you can continue brushing and flossing as usual.

Although clear aligners are more costly than modern braces, they are effective for addressing mild gaps, crowding, underbites, open bites, and overbites. Offering a discreet whole-mouth solution, clear aligners are a preferred choice for many patients.

Regular check-ups with Dr. Mayank sharma every four weeks ensure that your aligners are effectively progressing.


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